Staff Spotlight #7: Our Toby

Staff Spotlight #7: Our Toby

And so, summer is upon us and who better to represent June in our monthly celebration of our Fabulous Fudge Family than that sunniest of chaps, Toby Lee, the new manager of our Oxford shop?

No Fudge Kitchen newbie, however, Toby has come from two years at the Bath shop under the indomitable tutelage of Tia and Ian, where he was known to answer the phone “Hello, Sea Salted Caramel”, such is the popularity of the flavour.

A man of infinite, strange talents, Toby can not only knock out perfect fresh whipping cream fudge to a traditional 1800s recipe, but can recite all 45 American Presidents from start to finish in under a minute. Not only that, but “If you also say a date between 1789 and 2016 I’ll be able to tell you who was president during that year,” claims Toby.

Really? We thought we’d put this to the test …

1854? Quick as a flash: “1854 is Franklin Pierce who served a very stressful presidency avoiding the Civil War by being pro slavery.  Silly boy…”

Amazing! Alright, what about 1899? “William McKinley, who was assassinated in 1901… poor man. It led to his vice president, Theodore Roosevelt, becoming president however, so silver linings and all that.”

Someone needs to get out more. Anyway Toby, tell us about your Fifth Beatle-esque brush with Harry Potter fame and sitting the zombie invasion out in a Scottish castle, ordering in Sainsbury’s home deliveries and surfing the internet (we think you may have underestimated the gravity of an apocalypse) …

  1. Name?
    Toby Lee
  2. Position?
  3. Location?
  4. How long have you worked at FK?
    2 years. Fresh out the womb. You could say I’m a fudge toddler.
  5. Favourite flavour?
    Icy Vanilla Coconut is my god.
  6. Favourite FK product?
    FUDGE. Functioning Understudies Developing Great Energy.
  7. What do you like about your job?
    Sweet, tasty power. Oooooh yeah.
  8. Favourite activities when you’re not at work?
    I enjoy walking around beautiful cities, reading in cafés, citing poems and having a quiet drink in the local public house. And naked karaoke.
  9. Tell us something that might surprise us about you?
    One of my biggest regrets was turning down an opportunity to be an extra in a Harry Potter film. What a plonker.
  10. What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
    The joy of science.
  11. What kind of music do you listen to?
    Alternative indie rock, sprinkle of pop and dash of Bob Marley makes the perfect musical sandwich.
  12. What’s your favourite TV programme?
    Louis Theroux.
  13. If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Roast chicken. Lemon up the bum. Can’t go wrong.
  14. Dog or cat person?
    Bring them all to me. (Dogs)
  15. Motto or Personal Mantra:
    “Tidy Toby, Tidy Shop, Tidy Staff, Tidy Profits”
  16. How long is a piece of string?
  17. If you could sell fudge to any person alive or dead who would it be?
    David Lynch.
  18. What is the most overrated film of all time?
  19. Star Wars or Star Trek?
    Star Wars.
  20. In the event of a zombie apocalypse where would you run to and what would be your weapon of choice?
    I’d head for the hills in a camper van and steal Edinburgh’s long creamers on the way. I’d then live happily ever after in a castle by the sea surviving off Sainsbury’s home delivery, limited wifi and cribbage.
  21. Who would play you in a film of your life?
    Christian Bale. Defo.

Uncanny! Toby Lee and beret-wearing doppelgänger Christian Bale

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